Medicare | Fill The Gaps

Fill the Gaps

Although Medicare is a great program for covering your standard medical expenses, like hospital, doctor and prescription coverage, there are a lot of gaps that can end up costing you thousand of dollars out of pocket. These are some of the programs available to help you cover some of the expense and risk of what Medicare does not cover:

Why you need Dental, Vision, and Hearing coverage

Medicare and most health insurance plans do not cover basic dental and vision exams and services. Medicare only covers these types of procedures if you have a medical emergency or if your doctor orders them for medical treatment.


​As you age, your teeth, eyes, and ears need more attention.


  • ​Seniors are more likely to suffer from dental health problems and require dental work, like bridges and crowns. Oral problems should be monitored because they can signal other health conditions, such as diabetes, oral cancer, and heart disease.
  • Many eye diseases have no early symptoms, which means they can change your vision permanently before you realize they exist. That’s why the American Optometric Association recommends regular eye exams for everyone over age 60.


Having an insurance policy that covers regular exams and common procedures means you can maintain your health without draining your savings account or retirement income.

Schedule your consultation today!


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